Norstar Compact ICS 6.0 Software
The Compact ICS 6.0 Software has caller ID capabilities.
All norstar phones will work with Compact ICS 6.0 Software.
Enhanced ATA & Enhanced ATA2 will work with Compact ICS 6.0 Software.
RAD 2 & Fast RAD are compatible with Compact ICS 6.0 Software.
All NRU's & CTA's are compatible with Compact ICS 6.0 Software.
SMDR6 is compatiblewith Compact ICS 6.0 Software. Startalk Flash 2.0 or higher, NAM 4.0 or higher, Call Pilot 100 & 150 are compatible with Compact ICS 6.0 Software.
Voicemail Interfaces are compatible with Compact ICS 6.0 Software.
Norstar Compact ICS 6.0 Software Compatibility Chart Norstar Compact ICS 6.0 Software Feature List
Compatibility Chart Norstar Compact ICS 6.1 Software Feature List